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Why Pay It Forward
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What We Need

A LinkedIn survey demonstrated that 82% of women believe that having a mentor is important to one's career trajectory. And yet 20% of women in the survey reported that they never had access to a mentor. 


For women of color, it is even more difficult to find mentors - often times do to the lack of representation that exists. Women of color make up about 37% of the U.S. population, but they only comprise 3.2% of Fortune 500 Company Boards and 11.9% of managerial roles. It is critical that we provide young women of color with not only mentors, but supportive communities and practical tools to aid them in their early careers! 

We are looking to have a wide representation of self-identified women and non-binary speakers and mentors to advise our mentees. If you are a women of color, identify as non-binary and/or are from another under-represented group, we really encourage and invite you to become a speaker or mentor within our programs. We envision a world where all women and non-binary folks have a living role model who they can look up to and see themselves. 

How to Get Involved 

If you are in a position to give, we appreciate any and all contributions made towards our organization such that we can continue driving our impact forward. Your donation will go towards our Bridge Programs - University and Community College - so that we can provide students with the mentors, tools, and community they need to succeed in their careers.


We accept donations via check, PayPal/Donorbox. 

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Contact us about individual mentorship and speaker opportunities.



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Contact us about getting your company involved in mentorship and pipeline




Make a financial contribution to ensure we can provide mentors and resources to more students.




EWAAB believes that diversity and inclusiveness are the cornerstones of the organization's success. We are dedicated to supporting and connecting with women, nonbinary and gender non-conforming people of all races, ethnicities, religions, sexual orientations, disabilities, socioeconomic backgrounds, and nationalities.


Proudly sponsored by 

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EWAAB is a 501(c)(3) organization.

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