We are excited to be welcoming in a new cohort of first- and second-year students who are ready to grow their confidence and develop their professional skills. Learn more about the full cohort here.
Texas A&M University
Computer Science
Hello! My name is Maya Shah and I’m currently a sophomore Computer Science major at Texas A&M University. I’ve always been drawn to math and problem solving, as well as technology. I’ve found the intersection of these interests within the field of computer science. The creativity and versatility of this field is something that keeps me continuously invested. Last summer I had the opportunity to intern at Citibank as a software engineer, and this summer I will be doing the same at Amazon. I’ve found these industry experiences to be so invaluable, not just by strengthening my technical skills, but also by providing mentorship which improved my soft skills and expanded my professional network immensely. It was through these experiences that I decided I wanted to get a business minor and be a part a leadership program at A&M. I am super excited to be apart of the EWAAB Cohort this year and hope to continue being able to focus on building those relationship with others in the tech & engineering industry.
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